The Receipt is Dead.

Our campaign, "The Receipt is Dead," aims to shed light on the staggering amount of waste generated by traditional paper receipts. By creating awareness and promoting alternative solutions, we can drive positive change and foster a greener, more responsible society.

"The Receipt is Dead" campaign serves as a rallying call to raise awareness about the environmental burden of paper receipts. Through education, advocacy, and the promotion of digital payment platforms and electronic receipts, we aim to reduce waste and foster a more sustainable future.

By empowering businesses to embrace eco-friendly practices and encouraging consumers to drive demand for sustainable alternatives, we can collectively create a culture of environmental consciousness. Together, let's change consumer behaviour, inspire policy changes, and collaborate towards a greener future for generations to come.

Join us in this important endeavor as we aim to create a more sustainable and responsible community. Together, let's join the next evolution in bill payments and announce that "The Receipt is Dead" to pave the way for a greener future.

This world-first platform reimagines the current paper bill in a digital format.